In 2014 we are expecting some foals sired by our world famous BIRLING GREY MIRAGE.
All foals sired by this stallion of the century will be retained without exception.
We know how much sought after these foals sired by our beloved BIRLING GREY MIRAGE are, especially from abroad.
Nevertheless we apologise for any inconvenience, that we do not sell any foals by this unique stallion.
These foals are beyond price to us. One must understand that there are things money cannot buy.
But ofcourse there will be a number of foals from other matches that will be for sale.
It might be worth to check this page from time to time for it will be updated after every new foal!
If you are interested in a special foal for sale, do not hesitate to contact us:
But now let us turn our attention to this years foals 2014: behind every banner is the link to the page of each foal.
Enjoy the journey!

Copyright © 2010 by Katharina Krischak

All rights reserved.
